Language Kitchen
Language Kitchen is a workshop designed by artists Hyung-Min Yoon and Jessica Jang. Originally conceived by Yoon as a part of her curatorial project Translation Services (Sep 4 – Nov 3 2012) at 221A, the first workshop Language Kitchen was intended to offer (particularly ESL) children a space to share their experiences and to recognise their capacity as a producer of language. In spring 2013, Language Kitchen works with the schools in Burnaby as a part of education programs at Burnaby Art Gallery.
sprouting (metasequoia)Project type
WE REFLECTProject type
seedling (cedar)Project type
seedlingsProject type
Um...Project type
CelebrationProject type
Black Book (Slideshow)Project type
Black BookProject type
Intended For You AloneProject type
Door PhaseProject type
門 The DoorsProject type
The Gesture of WritingProject type
SunMoonMoonSun日月月日Project type
天上 天下Earth HeavensProject type
The Book of JestsProject type
Magic HandsProject type
The Heavens EarthProject type
The Gesture of WritingProject type
Language KitchenProject type
Backwards Metamorphosis LibraryProject type
Backwards MetamorphosisProject type
SkylineProject type
StorylineProject type
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