Language Kitchen

Language Kitchen is a workshop designed by artists Hyung-Min Yoon and Jessica Jang. Originally conceived by Yoon as a part of her curatorial project Translation Services (Sep 4 – Nov 3 2012) at 221A, the first workshop Language Kitchen was intended to offer (particularly ESL) children a space to share their experiences and to recognise their capacity as a producer of language. In spring 2013, Language Kitchen works with the schools in Burnaby as a part of education programs at Burnaby Art Gallery.


WE REFLECTProject type

seedling (cedar)Project type

seedlingsProject type

Um...Project type

CelebrationProject type

Black BookProject type

Door PhaseProject type

門 The DoorsProject type

The Book of JestsProject type

Magic HandsProject type

The Heavens EarthProject type

Language KitchenProject type

SkylineProject type

StorylineProject type

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